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Caring Tips >Dressing

Dressing Upper Garment

Patients may need assistance in self care activities. Here are some techniques for dressing.

Front opening garment

1. Put sleeve on affected limb & pull up to shoulder
2. Pull he garment across shoulder
3. Dress another sleeve


Take off the sleeve of the non-affected side limb first.

Dressing upper garments on bed

1. Pull garment up to shoulder on affected side
2. Roll patient to unaffected side. Pull the clothes across back
3. Turn patient back to supine position. Put on another sleeve Button up


Take off the sleeve of the non-affected upper limb first.

Consult your occupational therapist in case of any questions.

Dressing Lower Garment

Dressing pants

Sit down for fall prevention. Do not dress in single leg standing or lean on wall for support.

1. Dress affected side of lower limb first
2. Put on unaffected leg and pull up for thigh
3. Stand up (hold on steady object or walking aid for support) and then pull the pants up to waist level

Dressing lower garments on bed

1. Put legs (affected leg first) into the pants and pull up to thigh
2. Turn patient to the unaffected side and pull the pants up to waist level
3. Turn to the affected side and pull the pants up

If patient can raise their buttock, carer can pull the pants up.

Consult your occupational therapist in case of any questions.

Dressing Aids

Button hook
Shoe horn
Long handled reacher
Sock aid

Consult your occupational therapist in case of any questions.