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Caring Tips >Oral Care

About Oral Care

Oral hygiene is extremely important to the patient. Oral care can help enhance the comfort and appetite of the patient, as well as prevent oral diseases.

Oral Diseases

Possible causes of oral diseases

  • Weakened immune system causes the patient to be more prone to infections
  • Insufficient water intake
  • Side effects of medications and treatment
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse and lack of oral care will make the situation worse
  • Dentures may loosen due to weight loss and irritate the mucous membrane to cause gum ulcers

Common symptoms

  • Dry mouth and oral pain; dry lips, cracked corners of the lip and tongue coating
  • White spots in the mouth or a smooth and reddish surface on the tongue are signs of infection
  • The patients may lose their sense of taste and have difficulty swallowing

General Oral Care

  • Rinse your mouth after every meal
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and evening, preferably after every meal. Choose a small, soft toothbrush to avoid pain. Use dental floss-type interdental brush. If pain in the mouth intensifies, use swab or finger (with gloves on) to replace toothbrush
  • Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash at least twice a day (avoid using alcohol-based mouthwash, because it would make your mouth drier)
  • When you are not eating, remove dentures, brush them with a toothbrush and soak them in clean water
  • Drink more water
  • Use lip balm more often

Care for Dry Mouth

  • Moisten the mouth with water spray
  • Drink more water if dehydrated
  • Eat foods that stimulate saliva secretion or moisturise the mouth, such as
    • Drink lemon water
    • Suck on a small ice cube
    • Chew sugar-free gum
    • Suck on fruit pieces, such as pineapple pieces
  • Use lip balm more often

Tongue Coating

  • Rinse your mouth with mouthwash
  • Suck on fruit pieces, such as pineapple cubes
  • Gently rub your tongue with a soft toothbrush

Consult your medical team in case of any questions.